Monday, September 16, 2013

{39 weeks}

We went to the doctor today to see how we are doing at getting you here.  Your heart beat sounds great and the belly is still right where it should be.  Then it was time to check to see if we have made any progress.  I am at a 1 1/2 close to a 2cm and 70% effaced.  Your head is still down which is a good thing because it lessens the chance of a C section, which I do not want unless absolutely necessary.  So Dr. Horsley said everything is going well, maybe a little slow, but still progressing.  He said he would strip the membranes next week depending on how much I am dilated.  And if you haven't come by the 26th, your DD, then they will do an ultrasound to make sure your okay.  Then he will induce me the next week if you haven't made your appearance yet.  It's getting so close and your dad and I can't believe it!  We can't believe you could be here anywhere between now and 2 weeks!  I can't wait to smell your head, kiss your lips and snuggle you in.  I also can't wait to share you with your dad.  He is so excited to see you!  He keeps saying he just wants to hold you and smell your head!

I love you to the moon and back my sweet baby,

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