Today I am 37 weeks pregnant. We went to the doctor on Tuesday for another ultrasound and to check to see if I am dilated. During the ultrasound, she measured you to see what your growth is. Your head is down, which I knew from the pressure I feel when I stand up. Your back and butt are along my left side and your feet on my right. We watched you practicing breathing and watched and listened to your heart beating. She was trying to get a good measurement of you but you were moving so much she had a hard time. She said you were approximately 5 lbs 10 oz, which still puts you about a week behind where you should be. But Dr. Horsley wasn't concerned about it and I'm not either. As long as you are healthy and there are no problems, you can be on the small side. You have a lot of newborn clothes to fit into! Dr. Horsley measured me to be dilated to 1 cm and 40% effaced.
We have 3 weeks left until I am full term with you, my sweet boy, but you could come at any time. I am so excited to meet you! We are still working on getting your nursery put together. Your dad painted the walls a few weekends ago and put your crib up as a surprise to me while I was down at Shannon's. It's so cute! I'm getting your clothes washed and it's hard for me to believe that soon we will have you here and small enough to fit into those teeny clothes! We love you so much sweet boy!
I love you to the moon and back,
So sweet! I love seeing you use the word "mommy." Puts tears in my eyes :) happy tears of course. Love you!