Tuesday, September 10, 2013

{38 weeks}

I went to the doctor again yesterday to get checked.  He measured my belly and it's measuring perfect so that means you are growing.  I didn't get to find out how much they thought you might weigh.  Your dad wasn't able to come with me because he was held up at work.  It was the first appointment he has ever missed and I know it made him feel bad.  Your heart beat sounds perfect and you are doing well.  I wish I had a window in my stomach so I could see you.
Dr. Horsley checked me and I am still at a 1cm and am 60% effaced.  So not much progress but we are still 2 1/2 weeks away from your due date.  Dr. Horsley told me he would strip my membranes next week if I wanted to get things going.  I talked to your dad about and it and I think I would rather just have you come when you are ready instead of starting things.  You will come when you are ready.  We are getting your nursery more put together.  I ordered some fabric for your curtains that came today so Grandma and I are going to work them this weekend to get them up and ready for you!  They are going to be so cute!

Here you are in my belly!

You keep growing and getting stronger in there my precious baby.  We can't wait to see you!
I love you to the moon and back,

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