Today we went for an ultrasound to see your cute little face again. We haven't seen you since we found out you were a boy in May. The ultrasound tech wasn't as good as the last one we had and she kind of rushed through the whole thing. We weren't able to get a very good picture of your face because you are already positioned down and are buried in there pretty good. She tried to shake you around so you would move your face but you didn't. We did get to see you drinking and did get to see that you are a boy! Your dad has been worried that they would tell us you were a girl and we have all this boy stuff!
Here you are in my belly!

She did all of your measurements and we got to see your heart beating, 136 beats per minute. She told us you are measuring about 2 weeks behind where we thought you should be. I was worried at first. My little baby needs to be putting on some fat and he is not. I also thought Dr. Horsley might push my due date back a few weeks. Your dad is all for that because since you are named after John Lennon. He thought it would be awesome if you were born on his birthday, October 9th. When we got in to see the doctor, he asked how the ultrasound went and if we got any good pictures. I told him how you are measuring and he said that is nothing to be worried about right now. At this point of the pregnancy, it's common to either measure 2-3 weeks ahead or behind. The amniotic fluid is measuring great and everything else looks fine as well. He also said we wouldn't be changing my due date. Your dad wants me to keep you in there for a few extra weeks. I am so excited to hold you in my arms and to see your sweet little face and smell your head, but at the same time I want you to stay in there so I can feel you move. I really don't want that to end.
I read stuff on Pinterest about raising boys and I can't help but cry. I'm so excited to be your mom, to be your biggest cheerleader.
I love you to the moon and back.
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